mardi 23 septembre 2008

Continuum 1.2 is released !

The latest release is now available here:

If you have any questions, please consult:

- the web site:
- the continuum-user mailing list:

New in Continuum 1.2

* Using Spring
Continuum now uses the Spring Framework as it's underlying container
instead of Plexus. This results in a boost in performance and
stability for the web application in particular.

*Repository Purge
It's now possible to add purges which will cleanup :
- m2 repositories (now it's possible to configure a local m2
repository per project group)
- build output directory

* Maven plugin groupId and artifactId change Now the maven plugin has
the new groupId:artifactId org.apache.continuum:continuum-maven-plugin

* New SCMs support
Now continuum have two new scm providers : git and accurev.

Change Log in Continuum 1.2

** Bug
* [CONTINUUM-860] - multiple email addresses delimited with commas causes AddressException
* [CONTINUUM-1054] - IllegalStateException stack adding pom
* [CONTINUUM-1200] - Password Characters Not Supported in SCM Checkout
* [CONTINUUM-1322] - Attempt to store value with more than 256 chars
* [CONTINUUM-1336] - upgrade quartz - we use a very old version
* [CONTINUUM-1360] - Prepended semicolon in svn password does not work
* [CONTINUUM-1371] - NullPointer when Releasing with Ant and Default Project Group
* [CONTINUUM-1433] - Wrong path in descripton on how to allow the file protocol.
* [CONTINUUM-1489] - replace use of MungedHttpsURL with apache httpclient (4.0-beta1)
* [CONTINUUM-1515] - SCM Tag does not have a default value
* [CONTINUUM-1521] - NullPointerException in StarTeam changelog command
* [CONTINUUM-1525] - Can't release project with Continuum on Geronimo 2.0.1
* [CONTINUUM-1528] - Continuum gets slower over time and eventually crashes
* [CONTINUUM-1549] - LDAP Authenticated Continuum - NullPointerException when trying to see Members of a project group
* [CONTINUUM-1575] - Confusing behavior when continuum can't construct MavenProject from pom
* [CONTINUUM-1589] - updateBuildDefinitionForProjectGroup remove the description of the build definition
* [CONTINUUM-1590] - updateBuildDefinitionForProjectGroup leads to a StackOverflowError
* [CONTINUUM-1593] - Requires Javamail 1.5? Should be 1.4?
* [CONTINUUM-1596] - The release perform doesn't work when a scm password is required
* [CONTINUUM-1601] - Email address with '+' is not accepted in mail notifier
* [CONTINUUM-1610] - Deployment Repository Directory does not work at all
* [CONTINUUM-1623] - Checkbox not displaying when validation error in add Instalaction->Tool form
* [CONTINUUM-1630] - Error attempting to delete project group
* [CONTINUUM-1643] - Perform release page results to a blank page after submitted
* [CONTINUUM-1644] - Test failures occur in tagged sources
* [CONTINUUM-1646] - Empty recipient is allowed in mail notifier
* [CONTINUUM-1647] - Incorrect alt and title text for releaseproject_disabled.gif
* [CONTINUUM-1649] - Move Build Definition Template guide to Administrator's Guides
* [CONTINUUM-1651] - Unable to delete user-created build definitions
* [CONTINUUM-1659] - project admin cannot assign project roles to users
* [CONTINUUM-1660] - Download page does not have source archives
* [CONTINUUM-1672] - continuum plugin doesn't fails to add maven two projects
* [CONTINUUM-1676] - deleting a project or group should cancel any current or scheduled builds, and prevent any from being queued
* [CONTINUUM-1679] - Adding Null values for Project's Build Definition directs to a blank page
* [CONTINUUM-1688] - Maximum length for name column in object ChangeFile is too small
* [CONTINUUM-1693] - Continuum fills our server disk with SNAPSHOTs.
* [CONTINUUM-1701] - No field validation when adding Ant and Shell projects
* [CONTINUUM-1713] - JDOFatalUserException '.-..column ""NAME"" that has maximum length of 255. Please correct your data!'
* [CONTINUUM-1715] - no response when adding a project
* [CONTINUUM-1725] - Using the Cancel Button without an selected project will produce NPE
* [CONTINUUM-1734] - Loop in getProjects methode
* [CONTINUUM-1738] - Add schedule page doesn't use its properties file
* [CONTINUUM-1739] - Import of Maven2 project fails if 2.0.9 feature depMgm. scope>import used
* [CONTINUUM-1742] - Duplicate installations (environment variables) in Profile are accepted
* [CONTINUUM-1746] - Duplicate Profile names are accepted
* [CONTINUUM-1748] - Duplicate Installation names are accepted
* [CONTINUUM-1750] - unable to operate on a working directory that contains spaces
* [CONTINUUM-1752] - Allowed duplication of group name when editing a project group
* [CONTINUUM-1753] - Download As Text of build result output displays it on another page instead of downloading it
* [CONTINUUM-1757] - continuum roles do not have user friendly names
* [CONTINUUM-1758] - Error with group summary auto-refresh after adding a project group
* [CONTINUUM-1760] - TextArea inside the Working Copy Section for a Project is editable
* [CONTINUUM-1768] - NPE on Members tab with LDAP authentication
* [CONTINUUM-1773] - unable to add a mail recipient address containing an ampersand (&) in the local part of the adress
* [CONTINUUM-1774] - Error logging in with a locked account
* [CONTINUUM-1782] - Rename 'Profiles' instances to 'Build Environments' in available roles.
* [CONTINUUM-1783] - a project administrator is acting like a user administrator
* [CONTINUUM-1784] - URLs with Query String appears not work properly
* [CONTINUUM-1785] - Broken link
* [CONTINUUM-1788] - JBoss installation documentation contains a "Start Jetty" section
* [CONTINUUM-1789] - Unable to add project if its parent is not in server
* [CONTINUUM-1792] - svn checkout with authentification doesn't work in 1.2 (trunk rev 663360)
* [CONTINUUM-1795] - [regression] continuum application starts twice
* [CONTINUUM-1796] - Project Information tab's Add/Edit Notifiers links contain leading whitespace
* [CONTINUUM-1799] - Thread count for schedule is not configurable
* [CONTINUUM-1804] - Wrong source code repository urls listed on Continuum public web
* [CONTINUUM-1805] - Adding a project displays "Adding your project is under process. Please wait .."
* [CONTINUUM-1816] - Continuum trunk failed to start on unix os
* [CONTINUUM-1825] - NPE when checkout project with trunk (rev 678311)
* [CONTINUUM-1828] - Downloaded maven files (pom and project.xml) are not deleted
* [CONTINUUM-1831] - When click "save" or "cancel" button on the Appearance page (with or without making changes), get java.lang.NullPointerException error
* [CONTINUUM-1836] - Validation for Build Environment doesn't work
* [CONTINUUM-1839] - [French] "Construction en ìhec" instead of "Construction en échec"
* [CONTINUUM-1841] - Error when adding project group with null values
* [CONTINUUM-1844] - EL Expression failed with empty/not functions
* [CONTINUUM-1863] - NPE when clicking Appearance menu item
* [CONTINUUM-1867] - Project group admin should not be able to grant system-wide roles to himself
* [CONTINUUM-1869] - Correct type of url variable in 'Connection to Continuum' section on 'Guide to use XML-RPC with Continuum' page
* [CONTINUUM-1870] - changing groupId:artifactId of the maven plugin to org.apache.continuum:continuum-maven-plugin
* [CONTINUUM-1871] - Continuum does not execute builds when last BUILDRESULT.END_TIME=0
* [CONTINUUM-1877] - Incorrect svn urls on site "source repository" page
* [CONTINUUM-1878] - MS SQL Server size of NVARCHAR defect
* [CONTINUUM-1888] - Support for 64 bit architectures has been removed

** Improvement
* [CONTINUUM-515] - Add a wait page when adding a project
* [CONTINUUM-801] - Maven2: Add Project Homepage URL to the project group summary page
* [CONTINUUM-1186] - Application should unpack to apache-continuum-${version}
* [CONTINUUM-1213] - Patch to easily run continuum jetty with postgres
* [CONTINUUM-1252] - General Configuration should be pre-configurable in XML
* [CONTINUUM-1344] - New Guide to Building Continuum from Source
* [CONTINUUM-1465] - Project groups should probably get their own local maven repo
* [CONTINUUM-1490] - Include data-management-cli jar in the distribution
* [CONTINUUM-1511] - Improve error handling when not able to resolv artifacts
* [CONTINUUM-1531] - set JSW to auto-restart if it crashes or hangs
* [CONTINUUM-1605] - Continuum should not store the userid or password if 'use cached credentials' is checked
* [CONTINUUM-1612] - Provide a sample file
* [CONTINUUM-1613] - Add setting JAVA_HOME to the getting started documentation
* [CONTINUUM-1619] - Project Ant : Adding a built-in property allowing to know wich project is under construction from the ant build script
* [CONTINUUM-1639] - Ability to download files from the working copy
* [CONTINUUM-1645] - Move images into continuum-docs module
* [CONTINUUM-1675] - Improve error message when scm element is missing from a child pom
* [CONTINUUM-1687] - Improve the template and build definition names
* [CONTINUUM-1698] - Include svn revision number in the jar file manifest
* [CONTINUUM-1703] - use plexus-spring in continuum-webapp
* [CONTINUUM-1705] - Read-only view of the queues
* [CONTINUUM-1711] - Rename Profile to Build Environment to avoid clash with Maven profiles
* [CONTINUUM-1712] - improve the performance of the group summary page
* [CONTINUUM-1736] - Add the svn revision in the about action
* [CONTINUUM-1741] - file containing scm credentials in plain text is visible through the Web UI
* [CONTINUUM-1744] - Upgrade continuum to redback 1.0.1
* [CONTINUUM-1745] - decouple SCM code from continuum model
* [CONTINUUM-1759] - Ability to delete working copies associated with releases
* [CONTINUUM-1762] - add confirmation page before deleting multiple projects at once
* [CONTINUUM-1769] - add confirmation page before deleting a profile
* [CONTINUUM-1775] - There is a typo on the Project Group Summary page. "Project Group Informations" should be "Project Group Information" - no "s" needed
* [CONTINUUM-1793] - continuum.log needs human readable date and time stamps
* [CONTINUUM-1807] - Improve performance on maven2 builds by building a pom project if changes are only in sub-modules
* [CONTINUUM-1822] - Upgrade to Jetty 6.1.11
* [CONTINUUM-1827] - XMPRPC Basic Compliance ( Call continuum XPMRPC Service from other language like Php )
* [CONTINUUM-1846] - Split ContinuumStore to few dao classes
* [CONTINUUM-1858] - Add rolesList page in the menu from redback

** New Feature
* [CONTINUUM-782] - Add a feature to allow cleaning the m2 local repo once every N days
* [CONTINUUM-1628] - 2 new methods for editing building queue with xmlrpc
* [CONTINUUM-1681] - Replace plexus-runtime with standalone jetty bundle
* [CONTINUUM-1691] - Ability to delete a project via XML RPC
* [CONTINUUM-1692] - Ability to delete build results via XML RPC
* [CONTINUUM-1830] - Ability to view release results after leaving page
* [CONTINUUM-1843] - add new maven scm providers (accurev and git)

** Task
* [CONTINUUM-1614] - release maven-scm 1.1
* [CONTINUUM-1617] - Update to JPOX 1.1.9
* [CONTINUUM-1821] - Remove references to Maven in continuum-docs
* [CONTINUUM-1885] - Clean up site documentation

** Wish
* [CONTINUUM-1638] - Documentation for Release Management

samedi 6 septembre 2008

Continuum 1.2 in preparation

The Continuum team is preparing the 1.2 release. It will be available very soon.